
I am a Ph.D. student at the KAIST School of Computing, advised by Alice Oh. My research interests are in learning representations of structured and unstructured knowledge using GNNs and LLMs. In particular, I have focused on (1) leveraging the inherent structures (e.g., edges and subgraphs) to learn graph-structured data [C2, C3] and (2) designing a new data structure for efficient representation learning of subgraphs [C4].

My ongoing research focuses on the intersection of Graph and Language Models, including LLMs/GNNs on multi-culture awareness, single-cell RNA-seq data, logical validity, and multi-turn dialogue evaluation.

Recent Publications (See all)

Chani Jung, Dongkwan Kim, Jiho Jin, Jiseon Kim, Yeon Seonwoo, Yejin Choi, Alice Oh, Hyunwoo Kim. "Perceptions to Beliefs: Exploring Precursory Inferences for Theory of Mind in Large Language Models", Arxiv, 2024


  • M.S. School of Computing, KAIST, Sep 2019
  • B.S. Major in Computer Science and Minor in Chemistry, KAIST, Feb 2018


Dongkwan Kim. "Leveraging Structure for Graph Neural Networks", IBS Data Science Group Seminar, 2022

Dongkwan Kim. "How to Find Your Friendly Neighborhood: Graph Attention Design with Self-Supervision", Learning on Graphs and Geometry Reading Group (LoGaG), 2021

Academic Services

Teaching Experiences

  • TA, Head TA of Data Structure (Spring 2018, Fall 2018)
  • Head TA, TA of Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing (Fall 2019, Spring 2021), Best TA Award at Fall 2019
  • Head TA of Deep Learning for Real-world Problems (Spring 2020, Fall 2020), Best TA Award at Spring 2020

Open Source Contributions