Why Should the Kernel Be Positive Semi-Definite?

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  1. In Principle: According to Mercer’s Theorem, if a function $ k(x,y) $ is positive semi-definite, it can be represented as an inner product in some Hilbert space. This is important in machine learning, where kernel functions act similarly to inner products in a feature space. For example, in Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and other kernel methods, data is often mapped into a higher-dimensional space where a linear classifier or regressor is applied. The kernel function must be positive semi-definite to ensure that it behaves like an inner product in this space.

  2. In Practice: When the kernel matrix is positive semi-definite, the optimization process is more stable. For instance, “Soft margin SVM is a convex optimization problem only if kernel matrices are positive semidefinite”. This convexity ensures a global optimum and enhances numerical stability.

These reasons highlight why it is crucial for kernels to satisfy the positive semi-definite condition. It solidifies the mathematical foundation of kernel methods and ensures stable learning.

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