Stochastic Variaional Inference with Score Estimator
For the following optimization problem, minimizing KL divergence from $q_{\theta}(x)$ to $p(x|y_0)$,
$ argmin_{\theta} \text{KL} \left[ q_{\theta}(x) || p(x|y_0) \right] $,
How can we use stochastic gradient descent with the following gradient, which is the score estimator (a.k.a. REINFORCE):
$ \nabla_{\theta} \text{KL} [ q_{\theta}(x) || p(x|y_0) ]$.
1. Basis
This problem is the same as $E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[\left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right]$.
$\nabla_{\theta} \text{KL} [ q_{\theta}(x) || p(x|y_0) ]$
$ = \nabla_{\theta} \left( \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} + \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \log p(y_0) \right)$
$ = \nabla_{\theta} \left( \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) + \nabla_{\theta} \left( \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \log p(y_0) \right)$
$ = \nabla_{\theta} \left( \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \because \text{Lemma 1}$
$ = \sum_{x} \nabla_{\theta} \left( q_{\theta}(x) \right) \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} + \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \nabla_{\theta} \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right)$
$ = \sum_{x} \nabla_{\theta} \left( q_{\theta}(x) \right) \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \because \text{Lemma 2}$
$ = \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \cdot \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \because \text{Lemma 3}$
$ = E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right]$
Lemma 1
$\nabla_{\theta} \left( \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \log p(y_0) \right)$
$= \log p(y_0) \nabla_{\theta} \left( \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \right)$
$= \log p(y_0) \nabla_{\theta} (1)$
$= 0$
Lemma 2
$\sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \nabla_{\theta} \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right)$
$= \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \nabla_{\theta} \left( \log q_{\theta}(x) \right)$
$= \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \frac{\nabla_{\theta}q_{\theta}(x)}{q_{\theta}(x)} \because \text{Lemma 3}$
$= \sum_{x} \nabla_{\theta} q_{\theta}(x)$
$= \nabla_{\theta} \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x)$
$= \nabla_{\theta}(1) = 0$
Lemma 3
$\nabla_{\theta} \left( \log q_{\theta}(x) \right) = \frac{\nabla_{\theta}q_{\theta}(x)}{q_{\theta}(x)}$
Here, Lemma 3 was called the log trick. In my humble opinion, this is quite similar to the differentiation of multi-variate log function.
2. Reduce Variance (Control Variate)
The sampling algorithm to estimate this is:
For $x_1, … x_N$ drew from $q_{\theta}(x)$
$\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x_i)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x_i)}{p(x_i,y_0)} \right)$
If we just use this algorithm, there will be high variance of results. So, to reduce the variance, we use a control variate $B$ in the below estimator.
$\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x_i)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x_i)}{p(x_i,y_0)} -B \right)$
The reason that this is the same as $ \nabla_{\theta} \text{KL} [ q_{\theta}(x) \vert \vert p(x \vert y_0) ] $ is,
$E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} - B \right) \right] \label{q3_b_equation}$
$ = E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right] - E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot B \right]$
$ = E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right] - B \cdot E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \right]$
$ = E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right] - B \cdot \sum_{x} q_{\theta}(x) \nabla_{\theta} \left( \log q_{\theta}(x) \right)$
$ = E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right] \because \text{Lemma 2}$
$ = \nabla_{\theta} \text{KL} [ q_{\theta}(x) || p(x|y_0) ] \because \text{(1)}$
3. Optimize Control Variate
We can compute the control variate $B$ that minimizes the variance of the equation in 2.
$B^{*} = \frac {E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right]} {E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \right]}$
The proof is as follows.
For the simplicity, let $C$ be $ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} - B \right)$.
In this problem, we have to find $B$ that minimizes the variance of the estimate for $N=1$, which is $\text{Variance}(C) = E_{x \sim q_{\theta(x)}}[C^2] - \left( \nabla_{\theta} \text{KL} [ q_{\theta}(x) \vert \vert p(x \vert y_0 ) ] \right)^2$.
Because $\left( \nabla_{\theta} \text{KL} [ q_{\theta}(x) \vert \vert p(x \vert y_0) ] \right)^2$ is just a constant, we can conclude that $argmin_{B} [ \text{Variance}(C) ] = argmin_{B} [ E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)}[C^2] ]$.
$E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)}[C^2] =$
$E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) ^2 \right]$
$\quad - 2B \cdot E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right]$
$\quad + B^2 \cdot E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \right]$
Its derivative with respect to $B$ is,
$\frac{d}{dB} E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)}[C^2] = $
$\quad - 2 \cdot E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right]$
$\quad + 2B \cdot E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \right]$
$B^{*}$ that makes the derivative zero will be,
$B^{*} = \frac {E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \cdot \left( \log \frac{q_{\theta}(x)}{p(x,y_0)} \right) \right]} {E_{x \sim q_{\theta}(x)} \left[ \left( \nabla_{\theta} \log(q_{\theta}(x)) \right) ^2 \right]}$
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